The Parent Connection
A strong home-school partnership is in the best interest of the child.

The following are what we offer:
- Preliminary assessment of a new child where necessary,
- Daily updates for toddlers,
- Weekly class notes on what the children did past week and what’s coming up for the next week,
- Six monthly parent-teacher conferencing to discuss child's portfolio,
- Quarterly newsletter on the theme for the quarter and highlights on celebrations and events.
- Family field trips – Quarterly field trip for the whole family associated with the what the children are learning or places that focus on a specific intelligence, e.g. nature,
- Talks and workshops - this is by resources within the school or invited external guest,
- Information and referral - Come and talk to us if you need help for other services,
- Come and talk to us on any issues relating to your child, and,
- Parent engagement - do you have a special talent or would like to volunteer in some ways? We would love to talk to you.